What is the Unite Oregon Policy Action Team?
This is a space for Unite Oregon members to get directly involved in our advocacy efforts. As a team member, you’ll receive weekly updates on key legislation, stay informed about upcoming events, and take action alongside us to push for meaningful change.
The Unite Oregon Policy Action Agenda outlines our policy priorities for the 2025 legislative session. Our membership voted on all campaigns at the Annual United for Action Summit in 2024.
Senate Bill (SB) 722: Rent Stabilization
Our Concept:
Limiting rent increases by expanding rent cap to buildings older than 7 years. Current rent cap passed in 2019 only applies to buildings older than 15 years.
Senate Bill (SB) 599: Housing Protection for Undocumented Folks
Our Concept:
Prohibits housing discrimination based on immigration status. The bill is modeled after a provision in local ordinance in the City of Portland that has been in effect for years, and extends that protection statewide.
House Bill (HB) 2962: Houseable Wage
Our Concept:
Ensures wages are high enough for working Oregonians to afford housing in the region where they live. This idea is to move away from a one-size-fits-all minimum wage and instead adopt a wage structure tailored to different geographic areas, reflecting the cost of living in those regions.
Freedom to Read
Our Concept:
Establishes a task force to review and propose regulations for educational and library materials in Oregon public schools, ensuring age-appropriateness, local control, and protections against discrimination.
Monitoring HB 4002 Implementation
Our Concept:
Taking lead on convening coalition partners to track implementation of the 28 county deflection programs and their impact on Black, brown and poor communities.
House Bill (HB) 3081 & Senate Bill (SB) 88: Energy Affordability Package
Our Concept:
To reach energy efficiency and affordability of utilities costs, homes, and buildings for all Oregonians: “One Stop Shop 2.0” (HB 3081)
Create a sustainable website system that can support families navigate applications from start to finish. Particularly, when applying to incentives and rebates while making upgrades of homes and/or buildings for affordability and resiliency.
CONTINUED: House Bill (HB) 3081 & Senate Bill (SB) 88: Energy Affordability Package
“Get the Junk Out of Rates” (SB 88)
Get millions of dollars of “junk” out of our rates that for-profit and monopoly utilities use and turn it into energy efficiency and transition.
Things like expensive lawyers and lobbyists, advertising,industry association fees, and charitable donations should come out of company profits and not be charged on our bills.
Budget support for resilient programs “Full Funding for Climate Resilience”
House Bill (HB) 3170: Resilience Hubs Budget Request
Our Concept:
To request $10 M budget for the continuation of CRH for wildfire resilience and preparedness projects
Resilience Network and Hubs that collectively supports community members.
To prepare for, adapt to or respond to social, emotional and physical disruption generated by ongoing climate change or other causes, and during and after an adverse event, emergency or disaster both physically and non-physically.
Senate Bill (SB) 539: Protect Patients from Surprise Out-of-Pocket Fees
Our Concept:
Facility fees are extra charges at hospital-owned facilities that burden patients with unexpected expenses. This bill seeks to limit these fees for routine services, require advance notice, and collect data on their impact. With overwhelming support for transparency in medical billing, this bill aims to reduce financial stress on patients.
Senate Bill (SB) 449: Health Care Training Partnerships
Our Concept:
Funding resources to applicants of healthcare programs certifications such as CNA, medical assistant and others.
Direct the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to establish a policy framework and the legislature to establish a funding mechanism to support long-term,scalable workforce training partnerships that can also benefit from federal Medicaid partnerships.
House Bill (HB) 3012: The Student Voice & Democracy Act
Our Concept:
Would allow 16 & 17 year olds to vote in school board elections.
We can create more robust student engagement by giving students a voice in their schools while preparing them to be lifelong voters engages in our democracy.
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