The Six Pillars of Our Work

Unite Oregon is focused on six issues that impact all Oregonians, but especially our communities. We work to ensure that our community voice is heard at the tables where decisions are made.

Climate Justice

The climate crisis has amplified the historic and present day inequities experienced by our communities, which will only worsen if action is not taken.

Housing Justice

Prosperity begins with safe, sustainable, and affordable housing.

Community Safety

Promoting community safety requires a fundamental shift away from policing, incarceration, and top-down coercive “security.”

Education Equity

Unite Oregon advances educational equity by creating clear pathways for parent engagement through community education workers that prioritize the health of students and ensure that Immigrant, Refugee, and BIPOC parent and student voices are reflected within Oregon’s education system.

Economic Justice

Unite Oregon works to ensure our communities have access to workforce training, sustainable and fair employment, and the opportunity to build wealth. We work to ensure language barriers are reduced as well as expand access to licensing opportunities in trades.

Health Equity

Unite Oregon works on the ground to ensure IR-BIPOC communities know their rights under Oregon law, and have access to healthcare. Our current work includes helping our communities recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and reproductive justice advocacy.

How We Work

Unite Oregon is a membership organization led by people of color, immigrants and refugees, rural communities, and people experiencing poverty. We work across Oregon to build a unified, intercultural movement for justice.

We have many opportunities for you to get involved in these issues. You can join us in advocating at the legislature, helping organize your community, learning how to get on important citizen advisory committees, and even running for office! Your voice is important! Here’s how we work:

Our Theory of Change

Community Organizing

Organizing in communities most impacted and building organizing infrastructure.

Leadership Development

Building leaders in our communities to lead policy and systemic change.

Policy Advocacy

Facilitating community-driven policy advocacy and change.

Community Development

Creating wealth in communities, and advocating for equity in our communities.