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Radical Rest Inaugural Event: The Malady is the Medicine

In The Malady is the Medicine, we explore locations of individual and communal empowerment to reduce the impact of factors that undermine our physical and emotional health.

Using trauma-informed somatic and theater of the oppressed approaches, we seek to explore the ways we internalize Empire (colonial, capitalist, white body supremacy culture) and live it out in our own bodies and communities. We explore how these embodiments undermine our sense of belonging to ourselves and our communities, stripping our power to join together against the factors that undermine our physical and emotional health.

Facilitated by BIPOC therapists, The Malady is the Medicine helps participants reinvest in their immediate care infrastructure to reduce reliance on oppressive systems and reimagine wellness from a decolonized perspective. Light refreshments served. Dress for movement.

Date: October 30, 2022
Time: 12:00 - 3:30pm
Location: Center for Sounds Relationships
3334 Northwest Luzon Street, Portland, OR 97210

Register here

October 20

Central Oregon Climate Justice Listening Tour

January 12

Unite Oregon's Blazers Night