Roe v. Wade is Overturned but the Fight Doesn't Stop

Today the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that guaranteed the constitutional right to abortion. Today's news is a momentous break from a half-century of rulings over the fight to protect body autonomy and sovereignty.

Abortion is still legal in Oregon. Our partners at Planned Parenthood continue to provide the care and resources people rely on. These health centers and organizations are critical to sustaining the services IR-BIPOC communities need to live with dignity. 

Despite the protections in abortion access in Oregon, many undocumented immigrants live with the fear of being deported, which prevents community members from accessing their right to safe abortions. Our reproductive justice work in Rogue Valley focuses on the rights of IR-BIPOC communities to access reproductive care and make informed reproductive decisions. Together, with our partners La Clinica and Rogue Community Health, we continue to organize with local communities that are most impacted and provide available resources.

As more states rush to pass legislation that restricts access to abortion, we need to remember those who are most vulnerable: Black birthing people, those who face documentation barriers, people with disabilities, and others who are routinely denied access to healthcare. Where you live and where you travel for abortion services matters more than ever at this moment, especially for people that already face multiple barriers.

We are working on the ground and across the state to ensure IR-BIPOC communities have access to the information and resources they need to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. This is not the first time institutions have failed us and it won’t be the last. We must stay vigilant in the face of injustice and work collectively to protect our rights. 

Moments like this can be overwhelming but here are some immediate steps you can take: 

  • Support our partners at Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon to support activists working on the frontline to protect our reproductive rights. Take the pledge to show your commitment to the fight for reproductive justice.

  • Follow your local abortion fund on social media. Sign up for their email newsletter. All abortion funds are important to supporting reproductive health, rights, and resources. Find your local fund today at

The court has failed us all — but we are ready for this fight to protect our rights and the rights of those who are most impacted by this ruling. The courts don't decide our fate. We do.


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