Food for All Oregonians Advocacy Day

Over 100 advocates from across the state gathered last week at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem to advocate for SB 610, Food for All Oregonians. For this Advocacy Day, we organized over 40 meetings with state legislators, during which our advocates demonstrated how food and housing continue to be a luxury, not a right, amongst BIPOC and rural communities. Throughout the day, our advocates highlighted that hunger is caused by a combination of social, natural, and political factors - not only by food shortage. Oregon legislators were able to witness firsthand how hunger and malnutrition impact our community members’ daily life, and how they prevent them from achieving health justice, quality education, and creating generational wealth.

The Food for All Oregonians campaign envisions an Oregon where all people have access to food no matter where one is born. Unite Oregon is working in a coalition of over 100 community-based organizations to ensure the passage of SB 610, a bill that embraces the solutions determined by those who have experienced hunger and poverty. It will ensure that everyone in Oregon has access to the food we need to thrive — and takes important steps toward a future where immigration status no longer drives hunger and poverty in our communities.

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Building Resilience Advocacy Day


Interview with Unite Oregon’s Climate Resilience and Environmental Justice Manager